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학생&선생님 칼럼

학생&선생님 칼럼

아이들이 만든 학교 신문

페이지 정보

작성자 SPAS 작성일16-11-30 16:59 조회6,342회


**2008 Beijing Saint Paul School American School 아이들이 만든 신문기사 

St.Paul American School



December 05, 2008

Dear Fellow Students:


We begin our first issue of the Student Council 

newspaper. We came up with this idea because we thought 

it will be the best way to communicate with you about us,
the student council wants to inform you of what’s going on

based on our meetings and what are some activities we are
planning and coming up. This newsletter will be given every
week, or bi-weekly, with news updated. So please keep

  track of what we are informing you and if you have any
questions, suggestions and even complaints, you can 

speak to students who are wearing pink ID’s which indicate 

that they are SC members.  

We are going to announce some of the things we are 

planning right now and discussed during our Student
Council meeting Monday (December 02, 2008) 




First of all, we really want to thank all of you for making our Halloween Party really successful. We really appreciated your help setting up the decorations, making them, and cleaning, and especially to our group leaders. We never thought you were really excited about this party until we saw you researching on the internet what you are going to wear, talking about buying Halloween customs and party, and especially when we saw all of you spending a lot of money buying all the customs and staff for the party. And that was the time we started to think it seriously and started to worry about Halloween Party. We had really short time to prepare and set up things. But because of your help, everything went so great and so fantastic. We hope you will continue to support and help us in every activity we do. And we will also try our best to come up with better parties and activities.




Christmas Party/Dinner

We are now planning the Christmas activities, please let us know your ideas.







The weather is getting cold! 

The Student Council will design some special St Paul 

School Winter cloths to keep you warm. 

We will have a logo design but you can choose what color 

you want. But we are not sure yet if when we can start 

making them so still that must be finalized. So if you have 

any suggestions, you can come to us and say about what
will be better for you and for others. 

The second fund raising we came up with was a game
competition. Especially to the boys, we are going to have
competition and to those who will win will win a prize. I think 

it will be fun and interesting. So those who wants to push 

through this fund raising, we can talk to your adviser or to
any members of student council. 

     The third thing we are planning is a “karting” car race to 

the boys. Who are interested in driving and racing, I think it
will be really great time to participate this. (More detailed
things will be posted on the whiteboard) 

We think this is all for this week, 

Thank you for reading and as we mentioned above, if you
have questions and some suggestions to give, you can tell
your adviser or approach student council member. We will
be really glad to hear your voice. 



The current Student Council is a temporary appointed body
and we can hold election this month for a new Student
Council which will begin work December 15 2008.  The 

Student Council is now calling for candidates to submit
their names to Student Council members and please
indicate the positions you wish to run for.  There are
eleven (11) positions, President, Vice-President, Council
Secretary, Treasurer and seven (7) seats on Student
Council.  Campaigns will begin shortly after mid-terms and
plans are to have the election held in early December.  The
new elected Council will sit after Spring Festival break- next
term.  The SC will issue a special newsletter to explain
more and give you additional information, but, please 

start thinking about this and ask current SC members if you
have more questions.  Current candidates are:


President:  Kerric, Gina, Jacob, Matt, Olivia, David Shin,
Michael.   Sec. Council:  Mattias, Sophia, Naomi,
Treasurer- Jessica Yeon, Kelly, Sean, Council seats: 

Cindy, Michelle, Puje, Aisalla, Natalie.





The Student Council has now completed the Student 

Council Charter and will be posted for all to see. The
“Charter” states the rules by which Student Council




Vice-President: Kerrick, Council Secretary: Olivia Treasurer: 
Puje, Secretary for Inter-Student Relations: Kelly, Secretary
for School Environment: Jacob, Secretary for Information:
Matt, Secretary for IT: Ben, Harry; Council Members: David 

Shin, Paul  

Publisher:  Student Council 

Written by students, for students.


For a small amount of RMB you can have your announcements published in our newsletter, like sending your friends a birthday message or well done on a test, whatever.  Let us know.